Victory SC Return to Play Protocol (RTPP)
As we near the resumption of soccer activities, Victory SC has developed a formal Return to Play Protocol (RTPP) that is based on guidance from PA West, US Youth Soccer, and the CDC. The club’s return to play will occur in four phases in accordance with PA West’s guidelines which are included with this document as Attachment 1.
We know our Victory kids are excited to come together and resume training, however, it is imperative that all coaches, players and families adhere to the guidelines outlined in this RTPP. Our plan addresses many critical details that must be followed by all players, parents, coaches, and staff to ensure the health and safety of everyone involved with our club and the communities in which we live.
Before any Victory SC players, parents/guardians, coaches, or staff members participate in club-related activities, they must sign the Victory SC Liability Waiver. They also must thoroughly review the directives outlined below which detail how the club intends to minimize COVID-19-related risks. All return to play activities are 100% VOLUNTARY until directed otherwise.
As a member of Victory SC, it is EVERYONE’S responsibility to adhere to the following policies when participating in club activities or visiting the fields:
All players, staff and family members visiting the Victory fields are required to check their temperature beforehand and to stay home if temperature is above 100.4°F.
All players, staff and family members visiting the Victory fields are asked to stay home if showing any signs of illness.
All players, staff and family members must complete the “Victory SC Pre-Entry Questionnaire” on their smart phone prior to entering the field complex. Individual responses are required for both the player and the parent/guardian. Instructions will be posted at the entrances to the fields. Please contact your child’s coach at least 1 day prior to arriving at the field if you need to make other arrangements to complete the questionnaire.
Victory SC strongly discourages carpooling.
All players, coaches, family members/guardians of players, and Victory staff are required wear face masks when exiting their vehicles and entering the fields. Players are permitted to remove their masks while participating in training.
No more than one family member/guardian at a time is permitted to exit their vehicle and enter the Victory fields.
Parents/family members should remain in their vehicles during team activities and should only enter the field if it is absolutely necessary.
Chairs are prohibited unless necessitated by a medical condition or physical limitation.
Spectators are permitted at games. Those from the same home may sit together. Those from different homes must sit 6 feet apart. They should remain in their cars until shortly before kick-off and return to their cars immediately following the final whistle.
All activities are voluntary. Victory SC expects that all players and parents will be accommodating to other members of the club that are not comfortable returning to play.
The following list of requirements must be followed and enforced by all Victory SC coaches and staff:
All coaches and staff are required to wear masks during all team activities. This restriction will be updated regularly in accordance with CDC guidelines.
At the start of each team activity, ask about the health of our players. Players not feeling well will be required to leave.
Only coaches are permitted to touch any equipment (cones, goals, coaching sticks, etc.)
Coaches are not permitted to have scrimmages or participate in official games until notified by the director of coaching.
Coaches must ensure that all drills and conditioning exercises allow for proper social distancing. The Victory Director of Coaching will provide guidance as to what is allowable. Limitations will continue to evolve as we work our way through the various return to play phases.
There will be no team huddles.
Training pinnies are prohibited. Players should bring multiple colored training shirts as an alternative to pinnies.
All players and coaches are required to leave the field complex immediately after training sessions or games end.
All players and coaches are required to bring their own water bottles…NO SHARING!
Teams sharing fields during training sessions will maintain a minimum of 20 yards separation between the teams.
There will be no high fives, fist bumps, or any other physical contact between players or coaches.
Teams will organize “stations” for each player at or around the bench area that are at least 6 feet apart in which players must keep all of their belongings. They shall be required to return to their “station” during breaks.
When games resume, there will be no post-game handshake or team huddles. Players should clean up their gear and join their parents in their cars promptly.
The following list of guidelines should be followed by all Victory SC players:
Wash hands thoroughly before and after every team activity.
Players are required to use the club provided hand sanitizer during every break.
All players are required to bring their own water bottles…NO SHARING!
After each practice, players are required to disinfect all non-washable equipment such as cleats, balls, shin guards, and goalie gloves.
All players are required to leave the field complex immediately after training sessions or games end.
There will be no high fives, fist bumps, or any other physical contact between players or coaches.
Players will be required to keep their equipment in their station during training. During breaks each player will return to their station.
Players are required to wear masks when entering and exiting the fields. They may remove their masks during training.
Players must always practice social distancing.
General Club Requirements:
Training sessions will be scheduled with 15 minutes between sessions to allow for players to leave and arrive without interaction.
Victory SC will implement staggered start times of training sessions to limit amount of people arriving and leaving facility at same time.
The club will provide hand sanitizing stations at the entrance to the fields and at each bench area.
Signage will be posted reminding everyone who visits the field complex to practice good hygiene and social distancing.
The club will strictly adhere to practice and game schedules. Prompt arrival and departures are expected.
The concession stand will remain closed until further notice.
The club will use our Sports Connect messaging system as our primary tool to communicate ongoing developments. If Victory SC becomes aware of a member of the club having tested positive for COVID-19, notifications will be sent to potentially affected club members.
Victory SC will continue to train and educate all staff on protocols and requirements,
including state and local regulations, CDC recommendations and other necessary safety information.
Director of Coaching Guidance on Phase 1 Training Activities:
Coaches must focus on group activities that allow for continued social distancing
Utilize drills creatively to provide controlled group activities and environments that safely stimulate exposure to real game experiences.
Focus on technical training activities.
Physical conditioning exercises are permitted.
Attachment #1
PA West Return To Play
Phased Approach
One of the primary methods of lowering the risk of exposure to COVID-19 is maintaining physical distance from others. Soccer, like all contact sports, requires players to be in close physical proximity during some aspects of training and during play.
In conjunction with steps outlined in our primary Return to Play Guidelines, we’re taking a phased approach to return to play. This approach involves a gradual movement from individual activities to full team activities involving travel beyond your own community.
Pre-Phase (currently): Individual and virtual training. This phase includes individual fitness and technical work for players at home and with family members or with teammates via virtual solutions.
Phase One (1st 14 days of Green Phase): Intra-club activity…training and small-sided in-house activities. This phase includes small-group training within teams and small-sided games within teams.
Phase Two (15 days of Green Phase): Intra-club activity…small-sided games between teams within the clubs may be introduced in addition to training and SSG within teams.
Phase Three: Inter-club and Intra-club activity…training, small-sided in-house games, and small-sided inter-club games (within same county)
Phase Four: Activity opens to include full size matches and travel beyond county limits.
Movement from each phase to the next is dependent on a team/club to remain COVID-free. Should a case of COVID occur within a team/club then movement to the prior phase should be made.
As outlined in the primary RTP Guide, clubs should take all necessary steps to mitigate possible exposure. Clubs should also continue to monitor the safety levels of all activities for exposure risk with special attention paid to the following:
Unnecessary player closeness
Length of time of player closeness
Unnecessary touching of “shared” equipment
Players’ ability to understand physical distancing concepts
Players’ risk to contracting an infectious disease
Unnecessary visitors
Personal Safety Standards To Be Followed At All Times
When suffering from any illness, stay at home
Wash hands with soap and water; when soap and water not available use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
Avoid touching face.
Wear a mask when out in public, except when playing a game or training.